Welcome! I’m Jody and although I am not always able to stand up, I’m always up for baking.
With allergies to just about everything, I have come to find that I really do feel best when I maintain a very strict diet, carefully monitoring every little thing that I ingest.
Unfortunately, I am unable to tolerate so many foods including most fruits, avocados, soy oil, dairy, gluten, coconut oil, but especially garlic, onions, leeks, and scallions; the list goes on, but I have just learned that it is best if I avoid the things that cause me to experience debilitating allergic reactions. Currently, I have only been eating grain-free, dairy-free, soy-free, coconut-free, allium-free, FODMAP-friendly foods.
I am constantly playing with my favorite recipes, to find ways to make “safe,” but similar dishes for myself. I love to bake and creating yummy things for the people I love is what makes me happy.
I hope this blog inspires you to find ways to bake and cook delicious things for yourself, things you will love to eat no matter what your allergies may be.
Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media.