DLB Slow-Rise Whole Wheat Neapolitan Vegetable Pizza

DLB Slow-Rise Whole Wheat Neapolitan Vegetable Pizza

RECIPE 75% hydratration (18-Hour room temperature + 24 Hour Refrigeration SLOW RISE technique).

Servings 2 balls of pizza dough | Dough Prep Time 15 | Total Time 42 to 66 hours)


452 g whole wheat flour (I used 100% hard red winter wheat [stone ground] Whole Wheat Flour)

12 g vital wheat gluten

12 g salt

1/4 tsp. instant dry yeast

340 ml room temperature water


(approximately 2 T of additional whole wheat flour for dusting)

1/4 cup uncooked pureed canned tomatoes (do not puree the liquid - just the tomatoes)

1/8 cup thinly sliced UNCOOKED mushrooms to place on top



1/9 cup steamed cooked corn kernels (frozen or cut off the cob and steamed/microwaved for 2 minutes)

1/8 cup chopped steamed kale/spinach pieces (steamed for 2 minutes)

1/8 cup chopped steamed brussels sprouts, chopped (steamed for 3 minutes)

1/8 cup. chopped acorn squash, which has been roasted at 450 degrees for 15 minutes

1/8 cup chopped mushrooms, which have been roasted at 450 degrees for 15 minutes

OPTIONAL: fresh basil leaves to place on top of the pizza right before serving.


  1. Weigh out each of the ingredients and set aside.

  2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, evenly combine the flour, vital wheat gluten, and yeast.

  3. With a dough hook, start the machine on low and slowly begin adding the all of the water; increase the speed of the mixer and continue “kneading” with the dough hook until combined and no dry areas remain.

  4. While the electric mixer is on, slowly add the salt and “knead” with the dough hook for 8 minutes.

  5. Place the dough ball into a medium large bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise at room temperature for 18 hours.

  6. When the 18 hours has elapsed, weigh the dough and divide into two equal parts. On a lightly floured work area, shape each half of the dough into a ball and place each ball into its own airtight lidded container and place into the refrigerator for at 24 -48 hours.

  7. Once the minimum 24 hour refrigeration period has elapsed, and approximately 2 hours before you are ready to make a pizza, remove a dough ball from the refrigerator and place it on piece of parchment paper; cover it with an large (upside down) bowl and let it rest for 2 hours in order to bring it to room temperature. [Note: you can freeze the other dough ball (by wrapping it in plastic wrap) an save it for another time, remembering to defrost it overnight the day before you plan on using it. ]

  8. Once the dough is at room temperature, use your fingers to shape the pizza dough into a 10” circle, leaving approximately 1/2” -1” of a crust area, which will puff up further when being baked.

  9. Once the pizza if shaped, use a large spoon to lightly distribute the pureed tomato sauce around the inside of the entire pizza.

  10. Distribute each of the cooked and uncooked vegetables on top of the tomato sauce.

  11. Transfer the parchment paper with the pizza to the pre-heated metal pizza stone into the oven and bake for 6 minutes on the lowest rack. You will want to bake the pizza for an additional 2-3 minutes; I like to move the steel pizza stone to the middle rack and remove the parchment paper while the pizza finishes baking.

  12. OPTIONAL: When a total of 8 minutes has elapsed, remove the pizza from the oven and top with freshly cut basil leaves.

  13. Use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut pizza slices.

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